In 1987, a chiropractor bought some beeswax to make a cream he likes to use in his practice.  He kindly gave me his recipe, and I have made thousands of jars ever since.

Body workers, whether massage therapists, chiropractors, or physical therapists, appreciate Gardner Gardens Beeswax Skincream because of its non-oily, yet lubricating quality. The cream allows fingers and hands to glide over the skin, while softening and smoothing the skin of both the client and the therapist. 

You will notice and appreciate the improved feel of the skin.

Gardner Gardens logo, created by Marilyn Sabold.
To place a secure order from us, click Order or if you prefer, contact us directly at ~ Ph. (509) 996-2522 ~ Fax (815) 364-1375
Gardner Gardens ~ 17 Bean Road ~ Winthrop, WA 98862

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